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  • Writer's pictureK.D. Edley

I now have a website

For years I have avoided social media. But, now I have a website and a Twitter handle as I set out on this strange new adventure...self publishing.

Of course, I have no idea what it is I want to say.

I guess first things first, an introduction to who is K. D. Edley. Well, I write things, that's what's brought me out into the weird wild world of the internet. I'm brand spanking new at it. Writing that is, I have actually used the internet before. I don't live under a rock, much as I may want to some days. I am writing an urban fantasy series I aim to begin publishing on Amazon later this year.

The series is called, The Shadowborn. It's all about the family we find and the lengths we'd go to protect them. It's also about monsters, murder, and the secrets history has forgotten.

I finished the first draft of book two last week in between packing boxes and moving house. Getting that last word typed is a hell of a thing, a thrill, delightful satisfaction and triumph. One that last about as long as it takes to flick back to the beginning and start editing.

But, it is an accomplishment worth celebrating. So here I am, on the internet figuring out how to talk to people. I'm not sure how much of a reward that is for an introvert like me.

Which I guess brings me back to my initial thought. I'm not a naturally social person. But I try. So feel free to say hello, ask me a question, send a random thought. I'll try not to hide under any rocks, peek out, and say hello back.

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